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Happy 100th Birthday to György Ligeti! We three - H, L + K - share a love of his music, which is so fearlessly adventurous and unique… Here’s an arrangement of the harpsichord composition ‘Hungarian Rock’, performed by Rich Harrold (H) and Rich Kass (K)…
We’re pleased to inform you that all tracking for album #2 is now complete, including the contributions of several special guests and we are now in the process of planning the release and an accompanying tour. We aim to release the first single
ich Kass, the ‘K’ in HLK is now a British Drum Company artist and will now be playing their ‘Legend Series’ drums live with Trio HLK. You can read more about his chosen drums and setup here…
We had a wonderful evening at the Stoller Hall in Mancester last week. Thanks to all who came along to enjoy the music, and thank you to Christine Ince from Canal St Media for a wonderful review of the concert…
Huge thanks to Ibanez for sending Ant Law this new 8-string guitar, which well be used for recording album #2 in January. More info on Ant’s Ibanez guitars…
We’re delighted to be heading into Castlesound Studio on 3rd of January 2023 to recorded our second album. Each day we will be live streaming from the studio to share some of the process. If you’d like to be notified each time we go live then please…